Earth Banishing?
A part of casting a circle or calling the quarters in most
Wiccan/Pagan/Ritual Magician groups is to draw or trace or at least visual a
Pentagram in each of the four directions.
It is also almost without a doubt always an Earth Banishing Pentagram
that is drawn. Even if those doing it
did not know they were actually performing an Earth Banishing. Even that most Esoteric ‘Lesser Banishing
Ritual’ only uses the Earth Banishing Pentagram. Each Element does have it own Pentagram, two
actually one for Banishing and another for Invoking. When invoking an element, we draw starting
from the opposite point or our element.
If we wanted to banish an element we start from that particular elements
point on the pentagram.
The question that popped into my mind recently is whether or
not some folks even knew that they were doing an Earth Banishing at each
quarter. Then the follow up question
would be, ‘Do they know why they are drawing an Earth Banishing?’ My own thought wavers there, I feel some do
likely know why, but the majority is probably just doing what they were taught
or read somewhere along the path.
There are likely multiple reasons only the Earth Banishing
is taught. One of which is that this particular
sign/symbol will provide protection against other forces or interference. It will also serve for any
opposing/interfering Astral force.
Another reason is this was taught openly to the Outer orders or
Neophytes. That is the reason it is to
be found written down and is not a secret.
In certain Esoteric and or Western Mystery schools the rest of the
Pentagrams were taught later after the student exhibited understanding of what
had been given thus far.
Let me give one final reason of own understanding. To cast a
circle is create a Sacred Place. We
create a space that is ‘between the worlds’.
I know most have heard that phrase once the circle is set. Well, how do we create a space on the Earth
that is not strictly Earthly? How about
if we Banish all Earthly influences within the space? That sounds like a good place to start, does
it not? If we Banish Earth, within our
space we are no longer bound by the Earth are truly in a space ‘Between the
Bill Schell
(AKA) Frater Frabato
(AKA) Frater Frabato
Formerly and always knows as Mr. Moon