Spiritual or Religious
Which are you? What is the difference? I am going to attempt write my thoughts about this subject. I consider myself a Spiritual person. The spiritual person sees the truth in all religions, while the Religious person seems to acknowledge only their path. There are many paths to the Divine mine is but one. There are many very Religious people, who follow at least the letter of their religion. They do not however follow the Spirit. They have read about or been told about A Path, but do not recognize others. How can one Faith be more correct than another can? Who is right? The truly Spiritual person can see that all are correct.
All are different paths to the same goal. The goal is reunion with the Divine. The Divine is manifest in all things, including us. The Religious person may have read or heard about all things Divine in nature. The Spiritual person has experienced these things for themselves and seen their own true nature. The Spiritual person recognizes they are a Spirit being having a human experience, not a Human have a few Spiritual experiences.
Many religious people have been told to do things certain ways and not question why. If they do question, the answer is because, The Bible or Koran or some religious text says to do it that way. That is ok for some but just because it has been written down does not make it good for the benefit of all. There have been many great religious and spiritual leaders. They were not necessarily one and the same.
The religious leaders put forth the letter of their own faith, but often repressed other faiths. The Spiritual leaders spread the word as they saw it, but did not condemn others paths. They often incorporated other faiths into their own. Thus instead of a new religion, they were spreading an extension-a continuation of an established faith. They offered a new philosophy based on old values, old values such as love.
From time to time many Spiritual teachers have manifested to help guide humanity. Jesus was such a spiritual leader. Jesus said that he would return in different forms. He was asked, how will we know it you? His answer is in John 10:37-38. `If I am not doing the works of my Father, do not believe in me. If I am doing them, even though you do not believe in me, believe in the works, so that you may know and believe that my Father is with me and I am with my Father.' Krishna also spoke of returning from age to age. `For the protection of the good, for the destruction of the wicked and for the establishment of righteousness, I come forth into being from age to age.' Since Krishna was manifested on the Earth thousands of years before Jesus, Jesus could have been a manifestation of Krishna. All religions stem from the same source. The Spiritual person sees and can acknowledge this fact. The Religious person is at times trapped within their own faith and can not see outside. They often can or will not acknowledge the many paths to the Source.
The Spiritual person can recognize the many manifestations of the Divine as being parts of the same Source. The religious person recognizes only the manifestation they have been taught. Too often the religious person seeks to discredit other manifestations of the Divine. This has been the cause of many wars and countless deaths. This has caused people throughout history to be persecuted because of their religion. The Christians persecuted the Pagans. The Jews persecuted the Christians. The Chinese government persecuted the Buddhists in Tibet. Christians persecuted other Christians. Once started this cycle is at times hard to stop. This list could go on and on and on.
Even within the same path, people interpret things in different manners. The Spiritual person can see the Light in all. The Religious only sees their own narrow band of light. The Divine Light is Broad and contains all the colors of the Rainbow in a constant state of change. The Divine includes all sects and paths.
If only there were more Spiritual people in this world as opposed to Religious people. Spiritual people are more open to other faiths and learn from each other. Religious people tend to only want to learn about their own path. Religious people follow the letter of religion, but often not the Spirit of it. Spiritual people are more concerned with the spirit of religion than the letter of it. I suppose that is the main difference between Religious and Spiritual.
People are often led by fear. It is this fear that must be overcome. People fear that which they do not understand. To overcome a fear-any fear-you must learn about it. There are some fears that do not have to be experienced first hand to be overcome. We can learn from watching others, which may have faced that same fear- either on purpose or accidentally.
There are many people who are Religiously Spiritual or Spiritually Religious. The Paths to the Divine are about connecting with the Spirit/Soul/Divine Light that is within us all and is also outside. The Source is in all things as The Source IS all things. As a Buddhist and many other Paths might say, the entirety of the Universe is contained within a single flower. It takes all aspects of the Universe to combine together and manifest in such a way as to create the flower. The flower has always been there as the Source has always been there.
I tried not to use absolutes, as in 'ALL Religious/Spiritual people Do This...' I myself do not like being labeled and thus grouped in with others that have been labeled the same thing, what ever that thing is. We are all different, we may be very similar, but no two people truly think in exactly the same way. That is a part of the gloriously, wonderful gift of Free Will.
Universe: Uni=One; Verse=Song.
Universe=One Song. One Song heard by all throughout the entirety of existence.
One Song. One Message to all. I feel that message is Love.
Love is the Law. Love Knows no religion. Love Knows no nationality or country border. Love is Love.
May the Divine Light shine upon us all. May it fill our hearts with Love. May we shine with the Light and illuminate the Divine in all that surrounds us.
Bill Schell
(AKA) Mr. Moon
(AKA) Frater Frabato
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Isis-Mother of the Mysteries
ISIS -The Mother of the Mysteries
Isis is the Mother of the Mysteries. Isis is the Virgin of the World. Isis is Mother Nature herself. Isis is one of the most important symbolic characters in the Mystery Tradition. It is from the womb of Isis that initiates are born. All adepts are daughters and sons of Isis. Which makes each initiate Horus, the ‘Widow’s Son’. Even modern Masonic Lodges refer to members as the Widow’s Son. Ever heard that phrase before? Well, if you hear it again now you know they are talking about Isis. The murder of Osiris is said to be the destruction of Wisdom. In some traditions it is said that the job of Horus is to avenge the destruction of wisdom. Isis, the Widow, is the Mystery School itself, which through her efforts continually produces the redeemers of Wisdom.
Isis is usually seen carrying a simple ankh. The Ankh is the sybmol of Life Eternal. As Isis gave life to Osiris and then gave birth to Horus she is referred to at times as the giver of Life. The life Isis gives is a rebirth into the eternal life of the Mysteries.
Many temples and churches, which were built by Masons, were built on sites where the Black Madonnas were worshipped. Some are literally built on top of the existing site. Just what are the Black Madonnas? In my own opinion and other more scholarly types, the Black Madonnas represent Isis. There was said to be a well at these sites. With the well going down into the ground and spires of the new church reaching to the sky, we have the connection of the Above and Below. As the Masons are the Widow’s sons it makes sense to me that this was down on purpose to bring about balance and help restore Wisdom.
Bill Schell
(AKA)Frater Frabato
Isis is the Mother of the Mysteries. Isis is the Virgin of the World. Isis is Mother Nature herself. Isis is one of the most important symbolic characters in the Mystery Tradition. It is from the womb of Isis that initiates are born. All adepts are daughters and sons of Isis. Which makes each initiate Horus, the ‘Widow’s Son’. Even modern Masonic Lodges refer to members as the Widow’s Son. Ever heard that phrase before? Well, if you hear it again now you know they are talking about Isis. The murder of Osiris is said to be the destruction of Wisdom. In some traditions it is said that the job of Horus is to avenge the destruction of wisdom. Isis, the Widow, is the Mystery School itself, which through her efforts continually produces the redeemers of Wisdom.
Isis is usually seen carrying a simple ankh. The Ankh is the sybmol of Life Eternal. As Isis gave life to Osiris and then gave birth to Horus she is referred to at times as the giver of Life. The life Isis gives is a rebirth into the eternal life of the Mysteries.
Many temples and churches, which were built by Masons, were built on sites where the Black Madonnas were worshipped. Some are literally built on top of the existing site. Just what are the Black Madonnas? In my own opinion and other more scholarly types, the Black Madonnas represent Isis. There was said to be a well at these sites. With the well going down into the ground and spires of the new church reaching to the sky, we have the connection of the Above and Below. As the Masons are the Widow’s sons it makes sense to me that this was down on purpose to bring about balance and help restore Wisdom.
Bill Schell
(AKA)Frater Frabato
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Spiritual Talent
Spiritual Talent
What spiritual talent do I have? This was a question I was once asked, here is my answer.
Love. And yes Love is a spiritual talent. Pure unconditional love as expressed from the Source of sources is what runs this Universe of ours and all the rest as well. Love is not something you 'Do', Love is something you 'Allow'. One must only allow the Divine Light to shine through as our sun shines upon us. The sun shines just as brightly on the rich as the poor. The sun does not care what color the skin is, or what country you were born in. The sun is not influenced by ANY social institution. That is how we must allow our Light to shine from us. We can allow it to illuminate the Divine in ourselves and in everyone and everything we encounter in our lives.
Bill Schell
(AKA) Mr. Moon
Frater Frabato
What spiritual talent do I have? This was a question I was once asked, here is my answer.
Love. And yes Love is a spiritual talent. Pure unconditional love as expressed from the Source of sources is what runs this Universe of ours and all the rest as well. Love is not something you 'Do', Love is something you 'Allow'. One must only allow the Divine Light to shine through as our sun shines upon us. The sun shines just as brightly on the rich as the poor. The sun does not care what color the skin is, or what country you were born in. The sun is not influenced by ANY social institution. That is how we must allow our Light to shine from us. We can allow it to illuminate the Divine in ourselves and in everyone and everything we encounter in our lives.
Bill Schell
(AKA) Mr. Moon
Frater Frabato
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
High Magic
High Magic
What is High Magic? Ceremonial Magic is often called High Magic, but the two terms are really not synonymous. High Magic is more precisely defined as Magic where the end result is to bring the practitioner closer to the Divine. Connecting with the Divine is the ultimate goal of High Magic. High Magic is focused on bringing oneself ever closer to uniting with the Divine on ALL levels.
High Magic is as much art as science. The roots of High Magic are ancient, but the techniques have continually evolved and adapted through all ages. High Magic is also known as Hermetic Magic as it is derived from the hermetic arts and sciences. High Magic uses and relies upon a complex system of correspondences derived from numerous sources including but not limited to: Alchemy; Astrology; Angelic whether Enochian or not; the Elements-Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit/Ethers; Gematria; the Tarot; and Qabalah-spelled with a Q to distinguish it from Jewish Kabbalah and Christian Cabbalah.
The Great Work is another term for the ultimate goal of High Magic. Each step brings one closer to the Divine. The Great Work is nothing less than the achievement of union with the Divine. The three pillars of Alchemy, Magic, and Astrology are used to achieve this goal. Alchemy is defined as being the Operation of the Sun. Magic in this context is defined as the Operation of the Stars. Astrology in this context is defined as the Operation of the Moon. Together they are the Three Parts of the Wisdom of the Universe.
High Magic is all about balancing the Above and the Below. Since, 'As Above so Below', we are a reflection at a different level of the Universe. We are the Microcosm represented by the Macrocosm of the Universe as a whole. High Magic's intent is reaching for and achieving the Hermetic Marriage within ourselves and thus finding the Magical Equilibrium. The sole purpose of High Magic is reaching unity with the Divine on the highest possible level.
Bill Schell
(AKA) Frater Frabato
Monday, April 16, 2012
Not My Will, but Thine.
Not My will but Thine
Sometimes we must all decide to live the occult maxim, `Not my will but Thine'. No matter how much energy we put into something if our will is opposed to the Universal Law, we tend to lose the battle. If this happens, do I feel like I have failed? Do I feel abandoned by the Universe? The answer to both questions is a resounding, NO.
How can I possibly feel like I succeeded in anything? Well, for one thing when working for something beyond my own personal level all I ever ask for is that the outcome that is truly for the planet's and the Universe's greater good be accomplished. I place my faith and trust in the Universal Archetype's hands. That Archetype is known by many names. Call it whatever you choose; THE ALL, Goddess, God, Lord of the Universe, Sky Father, All Father, or a more specific name such as Krishna or Buddha or Christ or Allah it is still subject to the same Archetype.
We are subject to the Universe's Will by whatever name we know that Will. Our own individual will does influence our individual world, but we operate within the boundaries of the Universal. At least we must until we become one with the Universe on a much higher level. As we continue to raise our own Vibrational level, we grow ever closer to the Universal Level. In our personal evolution we may reach a point where we are not only one with the Universe, but we yet Become the Universe. It is at that point where we can decide what is best for an entire Universe and only then. Personally I know I have quite a ways to go to reach that level. Since I am not qualified to make a Universal level decision, I accept the Will of the Universal Archetype and say, `Not my will but Thine'.
Bill Schell
(AKA) Frater Frabato
Formerly and Sometimes still known as Mr. Moon
Sometimes we must all decide to live the occult maxim, `Not my will but Thine'. No matter how much energy we put into something if our will is opposed to the Universal Law, we tend to lose the battle. If this happens, do I feel like I have failed? Do I feel abandoned by the Universe? The answer to both questions is a resounding, NO.
How can I possibly feel like I succeeded in anything? Well, for one thing when working for something beyond my own personal level all I ever ask for is that the outcome that is truly for the planet's and the Universe's greater good be accomplished. I place my faith and trust in the Universal Archetype's hands. That Archetype is known by many names. Call it whatever you choose; THE ALL, Goddess, God, Lord of the Universe, Sky Father, All Father, or a more specific name such as Krishna or Buddha or Christ or Allah it is still subject to the same Archetype.
We are subject to the Universe's Will by whatever name we know that Will. Our own individual will does influence our individual world, but we operate within the boundaries of the Universal. At least we must until we become one with the Universe on a much higher level. As we continue to raise our own Vibrational level, we grow ever closer to the Universal Level. In our personal evolution we may reach a point where we are not only one with the Universe, but we yet Become the Universe. It is at that point where we can decide what is best for an entire Universe and only then. Personally I know I have quite a ways to go to reach that level. Since I am not qualified to make a Universal level decision, I accept the Will of the Universal Archetype and say, `Not my will but Thine'.
Bill Schell
(AKA) Frater Frabato
Formerly and Sometimes still known as Mr. Moon
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Lessons From a Tree
Lessons from a Tree
Which is more evolved a person or a tree? The quick and perhaps obvious answer for many people is that a person is more evolved. Upon closer examination I personally am not too sure that is entirely correct. I have no doubt that in certain aspects people may be more evolved. However, I am beginning to believe that the opposite is also true.
A tree adapts to it's environment and also, to some extent at least, adapts the environment to itself. A tree seems more patient than most people. A tree is born with everything it needs to survive, thrive and grow. A tree is self-sufficient. It does not need help from anyone or anything except the sun and the earth. A tree has two sources of nourishment, the Sun above and the Earth below. A tree is thus suspended between the Above and the Below. A tree is sustained by a balance between the Above and the Below.
Those of us that are walking our own Path of Return should be seeking to find that balance of the Above and the Below within ourselves. Maybe we should watch a tree and see how it finds balance. A tree's branches are reaching out to the above even as it's roots are reaching out to the Below. As the limbs and branches of the tree go further out and thus further into the Above, the tree's roots are also at the same time growing further into the Below. Perhaps there is a lesson in there somewhere that would help us on our Path of Return.
Even as we seek out the higher planes, as long as we remain manifested on the physical plane, we must keep ourselves attached to this plane of existence. We need to keep ourselves attached and grounded to Mother Earth. We cannot ignore the Below in our quest. The Below is but a reflection of the Above and as such should be studied. There are a lot of things the Earth, and in this case a tree can teach us, if we but open our eyes and truly see.
Bill Schell
(AKA) Frater Frabato
Which is more evolved a person or a tree? The quick and perhaps obvious answer for many people is that a person is more evolved. Upon closer examination I personally am not too sure that is entirely correct. I have no doubt that in certain aspects people may be more evolved. However, I am beginning to believe that the opposite is also true.
A tree adapts to it's environment and also, to some extent at least, adapts the environment to itself. A tree seems more patient than most people. A tree is born with everything it needs to survive, thrive and grow. A tree is self-sufficient. It does not need help from anyone or anything except the sun and the earth. A tree has two sources of nourishment, the Sun above and the Earth below. A tree is thus suspended between the Above and the Below. A tree is sustained by a balance between the Above and the Below.
Those of us that are walking our own Path of Return should be seeking to find that balance of the Above and the Below within ourselves. Maybe we should watch a tree and see how it finds balance. A tree's branches are reaching out to the above even as it's roots are reaching out to the Below. As the limbs and branches of the tree go further out and thus further into the Above, the tree's roots are also at the same time growing further into the Below. Perhaps there is a lesson in there somewhere that would help us on our Path of Return.
Even as we seek out the higher planes, as long as we remain manifested on the physical plane, we must keep ourselves attached to this plane of existence. We need to keep ourselves attached and grounded to Mother Earth. We cannot ignore the Below in our quest. The Below is but a reflection of the Above and as such should be studied. There are a lot of things the Earth, and in this case a tree can teach us, if we but open our eyes and truly see.
Bill Schell
(AKA) Frater Frabato
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Spirit Walks All Paths
"Do not say, 'I follow the one true path of the Spirit,' but rather, 'I have found the Spirit walking on my path.' For the Spirit walks on all paths."
by Khalil Gibran
This is for the Pagan Blog Project. This week I am doing ‘H’ for Hermetics.
Hermetics derives its name from the writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus. This name is really a title which means the Thrice Great Hermes. Hermes is the Greek god name associated with a much older Egyptian God Thoth/Tehuti. Hermetic teachings heavily influenced the Western Mystery Traditions and through them the Renaissance and the Reformation. That tells you where the name came from, but still doesn’t tell you anything about Hermetic philosophy.
Ever heard the term Hermetically sealed? To be Hermetically sealed, means an item is not affected by external forces. It is totally isolated. The Hermetic master is also sealed and is beyond outside forces. Though chaos may reign around them, they remain unaffected. The Hermetic master realizes they are the only one that can have any affect on themselves.
Ever heard the term Hermetically sealed? To be Hermetically sealed, means an item is not affected by external forces. It is totally isolated. The Hermetic master is also sealed and is beyond outside forces. Though chaos may reign around them, they remain unaffected. The Hermetic master realizes they are the only one that can have any affect on themselves.
The Hermetic philosophies found in the writings of Hermes are collected in numerous volumes called collectively the Corpus Hermeticum-17 volumes of which survived. Another much shorter text is the famous Emerald Tablet Hermes. The Emerald Tablet is the origin of the phrase, ‘As Above, so Below.’. The Emerald Tablet also refers to the three parts of the wisdom of the whole Universe. The Kybalion-is more modern book containing the Hermetic Philosophy, thought it was published over 100 years ago now.
The three parts of the wisdom of the whole Universe include; Alchemy-The Operation of the Sun, Astrology-The Operation of the Moon, and Theurgy-The Operation of the Stars. There are seven Hermetic Principles. Excerpt below from The Kybalion.THE SEVEN HERMETIC PRINCIPLES.
"The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open."
The Seven Hermetic Principles, upon which the entire Hermetic Philosophy is based, are as follows:
Bill Schell
(AKA) Frater Frabato
(AKA) Frater Frabato
Monday, April 9, 2012
Nature Unaided
Nature Unaided
There is a certain Occult Maxim that states, `Nature unaided fails.' If taken at face value and if Nature is interpreted as correlated to Mother Nature or the Earth and all her species, many including myself would tend to disagree with this great Occult Maxim. It is one of my personal beliefs that Nature, as defined above, as opposed to failing if unaided actually thrives when not `aided' by humans. Nature will find a way to survive. Ever see grass growing up through a sidewalk? A blade of grass somehow gets through solid concrete, how is that possible? If left alone without human interference Nature would even take back control of our largest urban areas. Apparently that is actually happening right now in parts of Detroit. Nature is thriving all on its own.
So if the Maxim is not really talking about Nature as in Mother Earth, to what then does the Maxim refer? Could it be Human Nature? If the Maxim does actually mean human nature to what part of human nature does it refer? Could it be our Subconscious? If so, is it really possible for our subconscious to fail? Our subconscious produces that which we, through the messages and images we inundate it with, desire. Our subconscious does everything in its power, which is quite vast, to give us that for which we have asked. The problem many people face, whether realized or not, is that we are sending messages and images to our subconscious that actually work against that for which we are striving. In that respect, I do not believe the subconscious can actually fail.
We may say, for example, I want to lose weight. Our goal in turn becomes to lose weight. What happens if we do not actually perform some physical actions such as diet and exercise? We should not expect to lose weight while continuing to do nothing to bring about the desired result, some action is required. If, on the other hand, we do perform the required physical and mental actions and send these messages and images to our subconscious it will in turn focus its power to help bring about our desired goal. Once the subconscious and conscious minds are working in conjunction rather than opposed to each other, the desired goal will begin to manifest.
What then does this all mean? At least in part to me it means, that to bring about the desired result we must aid our subconscious mind through the use of images and symbols and action to bring subconscious and conscious into alignment. We must get our subconscious and conscious minds working together. Once conscious and subconscious are focused on the same goal and if that focus is maintained that goal can be achieved. In the end I agree with Occult Maxim, `Nature Unaided Fails' to bring about our desired result.
Bill Schell
(AKA) Frater Frabato
Formerly and Sometimes
still known as
Mr. Moon
There is a certain Occult Maxim that states, `Nature unaided fails.' If taken at face value and if Nature is interpreted as correlated to Mother Nature or the Earth and all her species, many including myself would tend to disagree with this great Occult Maxim. It is one of my personal beliefs that Nature, as defined above, as opposed to failing if unaided actually thrives when not `aided' by humans. Nature will find a way to survive. Ever see grass growing up through a sidewalk? A blade of grass somehow gets through solid concrete, how is that possible? If left alone without human interference Nature would even take back control of our largest urban areas. Apparently that is actually happening right now in parts of Detroit. Nature is thriving all on its own.
So if the Maxim is not really talking about Nature as in Mother Earth, to what then does the Maxim refer? Could it be Human Nature? If the Maxim does actually mean human nature to what part of human nature does it refer? Could it be our Subconscious? If so, is it really possible for our subconscious to fail? Our subconscious produces that which we, through the messages and images we inundate it with, desire. Our subconscious does everything in its power, which is quite vast, to give us that for which we have asked. The problem many people face, whether realized or not, is that we are sending messages and images to our subconscious that actually work against that for which we are striving. In that respect, I do not believe the subconscious can actually fail.
We may say, for example, I want to lose weight. Our goal in turn becomes to lose weight. What happens if we do not actually perform some physical actions such as diet and exercise? We should not expect to lose weight while continuing to do nothing to bring about the desired result, some action is required. If, on the other hand, we do perform the required physical and mental actions and send these messages and images to our subconscious it will in turn focus its power to help bring about our desired goal. Once the subconscious and conscious minds are working in conjunction rather than opposed to each other, the desired goal will begin to manifest.
What then does this all mean? At least in part to me it means, that to bring about the desired result we must aid our subconscious mind through the use of images and symbols and action to bring subconscious and conscious into alignment. We must get our subconscious and conscious minds working together. Once conscious and subconscious are focused on the same goal and if that focus is maintained that goal can be achieved. In the end I agree with Occult Maxim, `Nature Unaided Fails' to bring about our desired result.
Bill Schell
(AKA) Frater Frabato
Formerly and Sometimes
still known as
Mr. Moon
Words to the Wise-Scott Cunningham
Words To The Wise By Scott Cunningham
O daughters and sons of the Earth, adore the Goddess and God andbe blessed with the fullness of life. Know that They have brought you to these writings, for herein lie our ways of the Craft, to serve and fulfill the keepers of wisdom, the tenders of the sacred flame of knowledge. Run the rites with love and joy, and the Goddess and God will bless you with all that you need. But those who practise dark magicks shall know Their greatest wrath.
Remember that you are of the Craft. No more do you trod the ways of doubt. You walk the path of light, ever climbing from shadow to shadow to the highest realm of existence. But though we're the bearers of truths, others do not wish to share our knowledge, so we run our rites beneath moon filled skies enwrapped in shadows. But we are happy.
Live fully, for that is the purposeof life. Refrain not from earthly existence. From it grow to learn and understand, until such time that we are reborn to learn more, repeating this cycle 'till we have spiralled up the path of perfection and can finally call the Goddess and God our kin.
Walk the fields and forests; be refreshed by the cool winds and the touch of a nodding flower. The Moon and Sun sing in the ancient wild places: The deserted seashore, the stark desert, the roaring waterfall. We are of the Earth and should revere Her, so do Her honor. Celebrate the rites on the appropriate days and seasons, and call upon the Goddess and God when the time is meet, but use the Power only when necessary, never for frivolous ends. Know that using the Power for harm is a Perversion of Life itself.
But for those who love and magnify love,the richness of life shall be your reward. Nature will celebrate. So love the Goddess and God, and harm none!
O daughters and sons of the Earth, adore the Goddess and God andbe blessed with the fullness of life. Know that They have brought you to these writings, for herein lie our ways of the Craft, to serve and fulfill the keepers of wisdom, the tenders of the sacred flame of knowledge. Run the rites with love and joy, and the Goddess and God will bless you with all that you need. But those who practise dark magicks shall know Their greatest wrath.
Remember that you are of the Craft. No more do you trod the ways of doubt. You walk the path of light, ever climbing from shadow to shadow to the highest realm of existence. But though we're the bearers of truths, others do not wish to share our knowledge, so we run our rites beneath moon filled skies enwrapped in shadows. But we are happy.
Live fully, for that is the purposeof life. Refrain not from earthly existence. From it grow to learn and understand, until such time that we are reborn to learn more, repeating this cycle 'till we have spiralled up the path of perfection and can finally call the Goddess and God our kin.
Walk the fields and forests; be refreshed by the cool winds and the touch of a nodding flower. The Moon and Sun sing in the ancient wild places: The deserted seashore, the stark desert, the roaring waterfall. We are of the Earth and should revere Her, so do Her honor. Celebrate the rites on the appropriate days and seasons, and call upon the Goddess and God when the time is meet, but use the Power only when necessary, never for frivolous ends. Know that using the Power for harm is a Perversion of Life itself.
But for those who love and magnify love,the richness of life shall be your reward. Nature will celebrate. So love the Goddess and God, and harm none!
The Law of Power-Scott Cunningham
THE LAW OF THE POWER Scott Cunningham
1. The Power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or control others. But if the need rises, the Power shall be used to protect your life or the life of others.
2. The Power is used only as need dictates.
3. The Power can be used for your own gain, as long as by doing so you harm none.
4. It is unwise to accept money for the use of the Power, for it quickly controls its taker. Be not as those of other religions.
5. Use not the Power for prideful gain, for such cheapens the mysteries of the Craft and magick.
6. Ever remember that the Power is a sacred gift of the Goddess and God, and should never be misused or abused.
7. And this is the Law of the Power.
1. The Power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or control others. But if the need rises, the Power shall be used to protect your life or the life of others.
2. The Power is used only as need dictates.
3. The Power can be used for your own gain, as long as by doing so you harm none.
4. It is unwise to accept money for the use of the Power, for it quickly controls its taker. Be not as those of other religions.
5. Use not the Power for prideful gain, for such cheapens the mysteries of the Craft and magick.
6. Ever remember that the Power is a sacred gift of the Goddess and God, and should never be misused or abused.
7. And this is the Law of the Power.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
An Ancient Precept
Baha'i 'Blessed is he who preferreth his brother before himself.' BAHA'ULLAH, Tablets of Baha'ullah, 71
Buddism 'Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would findhurtful.' UDANA-VARGA, 5:18
Christianity 'All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.' JESUS, Matthew 7:12
Confucianism 'Do unto other what would have them do unto you.' Analects 15:23
Hinduism 'This is the sum of duty: do naught unto others which would cause you pain if done to you.' Mahabharata5:1517
Islam 'No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.' SUNNAH
Jainism 'In happiness and suffering, in joy and grief, we sbould regard all creatures as we regard our own self.' LORD MAHAVIRA, 24thTirthankara
Judaism 'What is hateful to you, do not to your fellowman. That is the law: all the rest is commentary.' Talmud, Shabbat 31a
Native American 'Respect for all life is the foundation.' The Great Law of Peace
Sikhism 'Don't create enmity with anyone as God is within evreryone.' Guru Arjan Devji 259,GuruGranthSahib
Zoroastrianism 'That nature only is good when it shall not do unto another whatever is not good for its own self.' Dadistan-i-Dinik, 94:5
And of course my favorites:
Wiccan 'An it harm none do what thou will.'
Thelemite Love is the Law, Love under Will.
Buddism 'Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would findhurtful.' UDANA-VARGA, 5:18
Christianity 'All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.' JESUS, Matthew 7:12
Confucianism 'Do unto other what would have them do unto you.' Analects 15:23
Hinduism 'This is the sum of duty: do naught unto others which would cause you pain if done to you.' Mahabharata5:1517
Islam 'No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.' SUNNAH
Jainism 'In happiness and suffering, in joy and grief, we sbould regard all creatures as we regard our own self.' LORD MAHAVIRA, 24thTirthankara
Judaism 'What is hateful to you, do not to your fellowman. That is the law: all the rest is commentary.' Talmud, Shabbat 31a
Native American 'Respect for all life is the foundation.' The Great Law of Peace
Sikhism 'Don't create enmity with anyone as God is within evreryone.' Guru Arjan Devji 259,GuruGranthSahib
Zoroastrianism 'That nature only is good when it shall not do unto another whatever is not good for its own self.' Dadistan-i-Dinik, 94:5
And of course my favorites:
Wiccan 'An it harm none do what thou will.'
Thelemite Love is the Law, Love under Will.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Somebody in Afghanistan read my blog. Look at three pages at least. Military personnel? I spent 6 years on. Active duty in the Marine Corps myself. If you come back to the Blog, I would love to hear from you.
Friday, April 6, 2012
G for Grail
G for The Grail
Got a little behind and swamped by the ‘real’/mundane world, so this will be a short post. I will rewrite it and add to it later I am sure. This is the second ‘G’ post for the Pagan Blog Project. This week I chose ‘G’ for The Grail. The Grail is many things to many people. I want to focus more on the Quest for the Grail.
What is the Quest for the Grail? When one seeks the Grail where should they begin? Is the Grail an actual physical object? I’ll start with the last question first. The Grail is internal to us all. When one seeks the Grail it is an internal journey. The Quest for the Grail is the Seeker’s Journey of discovery leading to initiation into the Universal Mysteries. The Quest is a journey within through the Universal Mind. To Seek the Grail is to seek your own Higher Self, your own connection with the Divine. Love is the energy of the Universe. The Grail is that internal Chalice of Love. That Chalice can never be emptied as the more is bestowed on others, the more is returned. Our conscious waking mind only communicates with our higher self through the subconscious. Seeking the Grail is seeking to open that communication channel so that we can truly hear and learn to listen to that ‘Still, small, voice within’.
To find the Grail is also to find a Balance within ourselves which allows that Divine connection to stay as open as possible. That balance is the sought after Magical Equilibrium that is also known as the Hermetic Marriage. We cannot truly complete The Great Work until we have experienced the Hermetic Marriage within ourselves. The Hermetic Marriage is experienced by bringing into balance the Masculine SOL with the Feminine LUNA, which could correspond to the Masculine and Feminine qualities within each of us be we male or female. As The Kybalion states with the Principle of Gender, `Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.' This lifetime I happened to be manifested as a male,but I realize that my spirit is not truly male or female. Spirit in it's True Self is neither male nor female, it is both yet it is neither. I have an extremely strong feeling that last lifetime I wasmanifest as a female. I believe that I , as well as most of those reading this message, have experienced physical existence both as a male and as a female. Some reading this may ask, why I am mentioning this? I mention this because there seem to be those out there,who follow a line of thinking that one gender is superior to the other. There are some differences between the genders, but neither is superior to the other. Both share a role in manifesting the spiritual beings we truly are and bring that spiritual nature down to the physical level.
Bill Schell
(AKA) Frater Frabato
Mr. Moon
Got a little behind and swamped by the ‘real’/mundane world, so this will be a short post. I will rewrite it and add to it later I am sure. This is the second ‘G’ post for the Pagan Blog Project. This week I chose ‘G’ for The Grail. The Grail is many things to many people. I want to focus more on the Quest for the Grail.
What is the Quest for the Grail? When one seeks the Grail where should they begin? Is the Grail an actual physical object? I’ll start with the last question first. The Grail is internal to us all. When one seeks the Grail it is an internal journey. The Quest for the Grail is the Seeker’s Journey of discovery leading to initiation into the Universal Mysteries. The Quest is a journey within through the Universal Mind. To Seek the Grail is to seek your own Higher Self, your own connection with the Divine. Love is the energy of the Universe. The Grail is that internal Chalice of Love. That Chalice can never be emptied as the more is bestowed on others, the more is returned. Our conscious waking mind only communicates with our higher self through the subconscious. Seeking the Grail is seeking to open that communication channel so that we can truly hear and learn to listen to that ‘Still, small, voice within’.
To find the Grail is also to find a Balance within ourselves which allows that Divine connection to stay as open as possible. That balance is the sought after Magical Equilibrium that is also known as the Hermetic Marriage. We cannot truly complete The Great Work until we have experienced the Hermetic Marriage within ourselves. The Hermetic Marriage is experienced by bringing into balance the Masculine SOL with the Feminine LUNA, which could correspond to the Masculine and Feminine qualities within each of us be we male or female. As The Kybalion states with the Principle of Gender, `Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.' This lifetime I happened to be manifested as a male,but I realize that my spirit is not truly male or female. Spirit in it's True Self is neither male nor female, it is both yet it is neither. I have an extremely strong feeling that last lifetime I wasmanifest as a female. I believe that I , as well as most of those reading this message, have experienced physical existence both as a male and as a female. Some reading this may ask, why I am mentioning this? I mention this because there seem to be those out there,who follow a line of thinking that one gender is superior to the other. There are some differences between the genders, but neither is superior to the other. Both share a role in manifesting the spiritual beings we truly are and bring that spiritual nature down to the physical level.
Bill Schell
(AKA) Frater Frabato
Mr. Moon
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